Justin Bieber Wants to Play Danny Zuko in ‘Grease’ Remake

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Justin BieberIt's interesting when a story goes from a star joking or idly mentioning an off-the-cuff idea to a full-blown story that is circulating the Internet. Justin Bieber told The Sun that he'd love to star in a remake of Grease as bad boy Danny Zuko, with Miley Cyrus as the innocent Sandy Olsson. Of course, it seems as though Cyrus is eager to shed her Sandy-like goody two-shoes rep as rumors fly about her upcoming booze-chugging, weed-puffing, cooter-flashing teen in LOL. (Read more about her character's shenanigans here.) And wouldn't it be super, the dreamy pop star mused, if Susan Boyle could star as Principal McGee? That sounds swell! But as irresistible an opportunity as it is to Photoshop the Bieb's head onto John Travolta's body, his dreams of crooning "Summer Nights" probably ain't happening any time soon.*

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