Happy Birthday, Gary Busey!

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Today, June 29th, is the inimitable thespian Gary Busey's birthday. He is 66 years old today. If you're not sure who this guy is, all I can say is you need to rewatch Point Break again, my friend and pay closer attention to those meatball subs. To celebrate, here are some of the man's more memorable quotes. Try and guess if he's said them in character or not without looking these quotes up:

"Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling."

"My daddy always said, 'When you want to hammer a nail into a piece of wood, don't do anything fancy. Just get a hammer and pound the son of a bitch.'"

"Hold your tongue, wench."

"I am a sadistic master homosexual and I will tease your sensibilities."

"You know what 'Doubt' stands for? It stands for 'Debate on understanding bewildersome thoughts."

"Save room for dessert because I'm coming after you."

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