Filed under: Celebrities and Controversy, Newsstand, Contests, Movie News, 'Fone Finds, Cinematical

Brent McMahon, owner of McMahon's RVs in Irvine, California, has challenged the young actor to a "push-up contest" to settle their legal dispute. Lautner's lawyers filed a breach of contract lawsuit against the dealer, alleging they failed to deliver a $300,000 RV to be used as a dressing room on time. When it did arrive, Lautner's camp alleges that the agreed upon work hadn't been completed.
Lautner is seeking $40,000 in damages according to McMahon, who's offered the contest as an alternative and would make a donation to Children's Hospital of Orange County for the full amount if he won the contest. Needless to say, Lautner's lawyers weren't really happy with what McMahon claims was a "facetious response."
Team Lautner has suggested that if McMahon made the donation to a charity of their choosing, this whole thing might go away. The RV dealer has vowed to defend his reputation if the case does proceed to court.
While McMahon's motives are pretty transparent -- meaning this was a great opportunity for free publicity for his business even if Lautner passes on the challenge -- it seems as though both guys have their hearts in the right place by preferring the money involved go to charity. Here's to hoping they reach a settlement that does some good for people in need and stays out the court system. If they do go for the push-ups, my money is on Lautner. Place your bets below and please gamble responsibly.