Warning To All Of Michael Lohan’s Future Girlfriends!


He will tape you and release all that shiz!

Michael Lohan is responding to Kate Major's abuse claims with threats of releasing audio tapes of their conversations, including information about Kate's "legal and personal issues!"

He says:

“Because of Kate’s behavior and false claims, I am going to release a statement and only the first of many pictures of Kate (obliterated) as well as the first of multiple recordings."

Here we go again!

Kate has obtained a restraining order against Michael and he is forbidden from contacting her or going anywhere near her! But their back and forth accusations don't seem to be coming to a halt any time soon.

As for the engagement, Kate supposedly returned her ring to Michael before he left for El Lay. She's also suggesting that he's fallen off the wagon and is drinking again.

Michael is claiming that Kate drained one of their bank accounts which she is denying.

So much he said - she said, but that's just how Michael and his women roll!

[Image via WENN.]

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