Ways To Kill A Relationship


Criss Angel needs to take some lessons in starfucking!

The magician and wannabe boyfriend of Cameron Diaz publicly declared his love for the actress at a stupid stunt in NYC this week where he was trapped in a box with cement being poured in and escaped a day later.

On Monday, before entering the box, he told the gathered crowd, “This is dedicated to my new girl. You know who you are. I’ll be thinking of you.”

As if that wasn’t clear enough, when he made his escape on Tuesday – big surprise – he told the audience watching from the streets, “I’d like to dedicate this escape to my girl ‘Trouble,’ a.k.a. Cameron. I love you baby. Have a safe trip to Europe for your Shrek tour.”

Angel should have gone the Kelly Slater route and kept his mouth shut about his relationship with “Trouble.”

Shiz, Criss is so desperate for publicity, he probably is feeding Us Weekly information on Cameron himself.

Drop him Diaz!

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